Twenty-Nineteen in Review

What a wild ride it has been this past year, capping off this decade, felt like a long time coming. I had some of the best and most extensive experiences, I graduated high school and college, fought beside both of my parent's illnesses, and met the love of my life. I traveled and saw much of the United States, Bali, and New Zealand. I battled everyday anxiety and learned to coach myself into a state of peace. This particular year, 2019, can best be described as raw. My emotions did not hold back, and my strength proved me wrong. Facing reality and maintaining a high level of hope is one of the most challenging things I will ever meet, which occasionally makes one feel like they are splitting from the seams. This year I spent an incredible amount of time supporting and enjoying the company of my family. I turned twenty-three and leaped living in Lone Tree, a walking distance from Ryan's work. We climbed mountains and fished rivers, photographed some incredible wildlife, and embraced plenty of change.

There were times I felt I was underachieving or failing my goal-oriented and determined self. It felt as though I was exploiting the momentum I had generated in academia. At times I felt very lost, stuck in a state of limbo. Through my confusion, I took an alternative approach to life, reframed how I interpreted success, and embedded a new vision of growth. I invested in my entrepreneurial endeavors and charged ahead in the development of my micro-agency of one. The experiences and mutual value cultivated between myself and clients are irreplaceable. Many new ideas from a variety of different industries stimulate my brain and challenge me to think in new ways. Every day I get to create and use my artistic ambitions. I develop strategies and language to resonate with others. I strive to present connection points that transition into relationships. Working with thought leaders in their industries, I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with so many unbelievable organizations and their leaders. I learned there is nothing that can stop you from building what you want to achieve, you need to open the door and share your skills with others. 2019 was the year I wrote my value proposition, and 2020 is the year that I will own it.
Beyond the experiences I have sought out, I understand my worth and how I can best add irreplaceable value. In 2020, I have grand ambitions to be present, drive connections, and add more value through communication and design. Education and growth will be prioritized, as well as a conscious effort to build discussions. Time for reflection will be a crucial stage in my cycle of improvement. Mistakes will happen, but I will continue to fail forward. I am a firm believer that everything does happen for a reason. 2020 will be a year to build into the beginning of a new decade, the decade that will define my young adulthood. The challenges that will arise will refine my character, just as the past decade has done so.
So, without further ado here is to triumphing through a decade of memories built by love, laughter, and tears. I look forward to meeting the next series of milestones with a newfound sense of self and strength. Let's make it happen!