Intention & Goal Setting

Wrapping up the first 8.333…% of 2019––oh, how time flies–– I was happy to attend a SheSays Digital Workshop that focused on the development of self and business intentions, as well as goal setting. A goal is a perfect combination of purpose and action, fueled by personal ambition. Humans are naturally charged by our goal statements, but more often than not, we fall to our negative internal chatter. When setting a goal, it is essential to align our statements with our values, and by doing so, you provide yourself with a foundation to accomplish whatever you choose to pursue.
Goals should not come from a place of "should." Just because you should do something does not necessarily mean it is the right thing for you to do. Your goals should ultimately be a reflection of your most authentic values. When you set a goal, you want to make sure that the goal is set for the person you believe you are not the person that you want to be.
Remember Intention + Action = Goal –––find exact alignment –– stay with yourself! — Do not be a victim to the chatter of your fears
Goals NEED to be in alignment with your fundamental values to ensure that they are being met for the right reason. Think deeply about what your heart truly desires for a specific time frame and whether you are aiming towards the goal for the right reason.
This is an example of a "hearts clarion call" –– This year, 'my heart's desire is' to… follow my passions! Be happy! Be stress-free! Be connected! Be a good daughter! Be present! Be authentic! Be present and proactively passionate!
Each statement should correlate with its strategy and plan for how to achieve it; we call this "Hatching a Plan" or creating a list of action items that you can create to help you reach your goals. This list should range from 3-5 specific tasks or responsibilities that will have you making strides in the right direction.
Below is an example of a well-executed goal and intention statement that identifies what I want to achieve, why I want to obtain it, and how I can make it while adhering to my earthly obligations.
My heart desires to be present and proactively passionate via precise dedication of my time, creative expression, and willingness to be connected, so that I feel happy, at peace, proud and confident. I am fully able to achieve this goal while honoring my accepted responsibilities of family matters, my personal growth and relationships, and finances, which align with my values of compassion, stability, freedom, and serenity.
Key Takeaways:
A Smart Goal is about love and alignment with truth.
Action + Intention = Success
Awareness is the key to success.
Always be you.
Don't go it alone.