Jul 13, 2018Big EyesSomethings just can't be forgotten, remembering the big beautiful eyes of this little Mestizo boy. During my time spent in Placencia...
Jun 20, 2018"Figuring Things Out"Sometimes it feels difficult to figure out what you want to do, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there? Looking into...
May 14, 2018The End of an EraWrapping up my academic career has been a wild ride. The past eighteen years have been challenging, ever-evolving, and memorable....
May 3, 2018New Belgium Practicum ExperienceInvited to participate in the Supply Chain Practicum was an invaluable experience as it was challenging, outside of my comfort zone, and...
Jan 5, 2018What I learned from my time in New ZealandLessons Learned from my brief seventeen days spent on the South Island of New Zealand: - New Zealand roads are different, believe what...
Jun 15, 2017Inspiration from the Pacific North WestPacific North West Adventures in the Olympic National Park
Jul 14, 2016Mobility InternationalImages and encounters that blessed my photography experience. Traveling to the Mobility International Conference to photograph a...